Performance of several kinds of pseudo random sequence applied to evoked potential measurement 几种伪随机序列应用于诱发电位检测的性能比较
The article elaborates the method of adding pseudo-potential to ab initio calculation to solve problems in multi-electron system. 文章介绍了在从头计算方法中加入赝势来求解多电子体系问题的方法。
We have confirmed that both the compressional source and the shear source can be expected to generate pseudo P-wave, pseudo SV-wave and pseudo SH wave, and that the potential functions corresponding to displacement components at different directions are coupling each other. 进一步证实,胀缩震源及剪切震源均可产生似P波、似SV波和似SH波,而且对应不同方位位移分量的势位函数彼此是耦合的。
The result shows that the pseudo turbulence level is directly proportional to the void fraction and approaches the potential formula result with increasing particle Reynolds numbers. 该关系式表明伪湍动与空泡率成正比,并随颗粒Reynolds数的增大而趋近势流结果。
Pseudo-potential to Solve Problems of Multi-electron System 求解多电子体系问题的赝势方法